Dysthymia – Melancholy that captures you
DysthymiaDysthymia can have genetic causes. If a family member suffers from it, the risk is therefore higher. Specialists point out that dysthymia or melancholy is the most common depressive disorder. Although it is a mild depression, the problem is that it is usually chronic.
The root of the name of this disease lies in the Greek and means as much as displeasure, melancholy, melancholy. Apathy and lack of energy are commonplace among those affected and make it difficult to cope with everyday tasks.
If this is the case with you, we invite you to learn more about this topic. You must prevent dysthymia from capturing you.
Dysthymia or the melancholy that captures you
Even though it is the most common depressive disorder, psychologists and psychiatrists do not regard it as a deep depression, but as a disturbance of the state of mind, which, however, can strongly influence everyday life if not treated.
Origin of dysthymia
It is not yet possible to clearly assess how or why this disorder occurs. However, there are several factors that need to be considered:
Biochemical origin
One of the reasons why self-treatment of a dysthymic disorder is so difficult is that this type of chronic melancholy is due to internal factors rather than external ones.
A deviation of the neurotransmitters, such as a serotonin deficiency, can change the state of mind and lead to progressive depression because the brain is not stimulated enough.
Genetic causes
This disease can also be caused by genetic causes, therefore it is important to know the family history.
If the mother or grandparents have already suffered from this depressive disorder, are characterized by an indifferent, melancholic and always negative character, or repeatedly go through depressed and depressive phases, you should be careful.
Dysthymic disorders are usually inherited, with transmission from mothers to daughters being more frequent. Although this is not a determining factor, it increases the risk.
Environment and education
Growing up in an environment where affective bonds are traumatic can sometimes be crucial.
Also negative experiences, personal losses or sentimental failures can have a strong effect on the state of mind and, even if it is not a strong depression, can affect everyday life very much.
Symptoms of dysthymia
The state of mind fluctuates very strongly. On some days you feel full of energy, on others you have no desire, no motivation and no hope for anything.
In addition there is often bad mood and irritability. If the social environment doesn’t understand what’s going on with you, the situation can get even worse with remarks like “you’re always in a bad mood” or “you never want anything”.
With a dysthymic disorder it is very difficult to enjoy things and cope with everyday life, you have no desire and feel unhappy and unwell.
How can dysthymia be treated?
This disease is difficult because it appears almost unnoticed in your life and causes you to have less desire to do things, to feel unmotivated and unhappy and to fray your balance like a piece of cloth.
The following aspects should be considered:
The causes are almost always organic, which means that a pharmacological treatment is needed to regulate the functions of the neurotransmitters.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines this disease as a chronic depressive disorder. In addition to drugs, further measures must therefore be taken.
Even if this disease is defined as “chronic”, which frightens many, it is only a general definition. Many sufferers can overcome this depressive disorder with willpower and the support of their family.
Neither pain nor sadness nor melancholy have to last forever. Life flows and changes constantly, you have to allow yourself to participate in this movement. A good way to do this is to make changes in your life.
Start with small things: Change your hairstyle, take care of a healthy diet, find new friends.
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All these are incentives, motivation and new illusions. The driving force is in you, you just have to nourish it with new hopes and new initiatives.
Even if one cannot cope with dysthymic disorders from one day to the next and this takes time, one can overcome this disease with the right medical treatment and life changes.
Do not focus on the negative. Hold on to the kite’s string, which will lead you up every day, so that you can spread your wings again with optimism and courage.
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